Monday, October 20, 2003

Geez...when was the last time I posted here? Long time ago eh? Been studying...or trying to study as hard as I can...I only have say...2, 3 or so weeks left?

Judgement day coming...and I still don't feel up to econs is still damn weak in my opinion...then theres my geog and all that too...

God give me strengh! God give me hope and God give me the will to excel! Ultimately...God give me good results!!!

Its late today so i'll keep this one real short. So its bye bye for now...

Friday, October 03, 2003

Depressed? Thats what I am now. Just got back some of my results...

GP (General Paper) wasn't too bad...65 overall score...that makes it a B3, have to try to make it an A1!!!

Economics? Thats the sucky part...overall...43% over 100%. Sucks eh??? I really thought one of my essays was good enough to pass...but it turns out it was totally I failed the fucking thing. Once you fail your essay you might as well fail the whole fucking paper...

Brian said that the subjects that he thought would score well ended up worse than he thought while the subjects that he thought he would fail ended up better. I can't help feeling this applies to my case. Just refer to the paragraph above and you get what I mean...

I can't help but feel very anxious about my other papers. I was quiet confident about my physical and human geography papers...does that mean that they would perform below expectation? When I was taking my Chinese B prelim paper I met Mrs Tricia Seow and I asked her how my Human geog fared. She said I was "passing". I asked by how much...she said she had to rush and that she couldn't reveal anymore info...something about her look when she said that made me uneasy...

I have every reason to feel displeased with myself...I personally feel i have not tried my best and not studied to the max..."I hath NOT lived"...but I couldn't possibly have studied much within a few short weeks...stil its not a good excuse for my sucky performance.

I'm telling myself right now to move on...whats done is done...that goes for my other (as yet with unknown grades) subjects. I must concentrate on my studies. For REAL this time. I have to exercise strict computer discipline...because this fucking piece of machinery is always distracting me from work! From next week onwards I will not switch on the computer until Fridays. This means I will only update this blog on fridays, not that I update it very often anyways.

The first charge wasn't very effective, I must regroup and consolidate and go for another offensive. This time I will dispense no mercy...