Sunday, March 25, 2007

Down with the Flu Blues

Its been awhile since my last post. I've been down with sinusitis, which is something like a cold or flu. I guess its an illness that belongs in that category anyway.

I've had this cold for a few weeks now, a couple of weeks ago I went to the NUS clinic to see the doctor and he gave me some medicine to tide me over. After finishing the course I got better for like two days and had a relapse, this time worse than before. I went back to see him again and he told me that I was down with sinusitis. He prescribed me a course of antibiotics and other medicines amounting to $42+, my previous visit had only cost $2 (subsidized by the uni or government I guess).

Anyway, got a boatload of assignments and essays due next week so the stress is building up, coupled with the fact that exams are not really far away. At least I'm beginning to feel better somewhat.

I don't like antibiotics, they leave a funny aftertaste in the mouth and a funny "smell" in the nose. As if the "flavour" of green phlegm wasn't bad enough. They make your stomach feel funny too, queasy...

Becaused of this illness I missed Calvin's birthday, they were having steamboat. It felt bad not being able to attend someone's birthday when initially you agreed to go. But it would be very irresponsible of me to go there and spread my germ all over the place. Well, I gave Calvin a call to wish him well, it was the least I could do. A very belated happy birthday to Calvin! Hope you guys had fun eating steamboat. Thinking of it makes me hungry...:-P

Bear with me ok? I don't have much time these days to do blog writing. Been thinking up a poem to go along also, maybe I'll post it when I complete it, or when I get the time...;-)

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